Nigerian Navy Salary Structure:Salary of a Nigerian Naval Officer

The Nigerian Navy Salary structure is an information that you won’t come across easily on the internet. This report on how much a Nigerian Naval officer is being paid was gotten from a  

Nigerian newspaper, Leadership (2014)

According to the report, below is what some ranking officers in the Nigerian Navy earns on a yearly basis as of September 2014:
Admiral in the Nigerian Navy – N16,303,140

Vice Admiral earns ₦13,363,229
Real-Admiral earns ₦12,038,945
Commodore earns ₦7,385,856
Captain earns N3,715,859
Commander earns ₦3,380,086
Although we couldn’t find the Nigerian Navy salary structure for its lower ranked officers, officers ranked at Rear Admiral or above do earn lifelong full-salary pensions, while those ranked at Commodore or below receive a pension of five years’ worth of their salary.

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