Tips To Take Travel Photos That Actually Look Professional

We all take them. Whether you take them with your mobile phone, Ipad or digital camera, they are important for the memories they represent. Unfortunately, while anyone can take a picture given the right equipment, not everyone can take a picture that looks professional. When travelling, it is important that you take photos that capture the spirit and sensation of the trip, and this is only possible if you know the basic tricks required to pull off a professional shot.

Taking expert shots are the only way you can truly enjoy conjuring up thoughts, feelings, and memories in the long run. Are you travelling and unsure as to how to take photo shots that actually look professional? Jovago, Africa’s No.1 online hotel booking site has 5 great tips to guide you and make your job easy.

 Forget the view, focus on the light : Lighting plays a major role when it comes to taking pictures or capturing images. If the light does not fall on the image at the right angles, you may find that what you seen standing in front of your may not be what your camera ultimately reproduces. For instance, when staring directly into the sun, you may be able to make out colors and people, but your camera is going to reproduce mostly shadows. The easiest way to flatter your subject is to put it in the best light.

Use leading lines : Before you take a photo, you should know what your main focus is and ensure your lense is targeted in such a way that it as easy for any person who eventually looks at it to figure out the subject and focus of the image. A good way to achieve this is by using leading line - features that will point the viewer’s sight to the main subject. Railways, roads e.t.c, are excellent as leading lines, especially when you are taking landscape shots.

 Find the right angle :  Taking the picture from the right angle is also very important. The angle most times determines the viewer’s perspective of the image captured. Vertical shots are usually preferred for travel photos. If however you want to tell a story with the photo, you need to ensure you select an angle that reveals all the important features of your story. Again, alternating angles , usually enhances the interest of your overall photo collection considerably, adding geometrical variety as folks flip through your vacation slideshow.

Look out for details : While the usual would be to capture shots of your doing something new in the new environment or a picture of you and your travel companions, you can make your shots look more professional by seeking out other details that are usually neglected and make them the focus of your photo. Observe your surroundings, and give yourself a second to think about anything interesting that might be happening, or to find the little details that capture the spirit of the place that you are in. It can be something personal or obscure, as long as it is your own little memory of a detail that evokes the spirit of the place.

 Use a good printer  : You may take the most beautiful picture but if it is not printed properly – with the right inks, machine and paper, it could ruin your entire effort. It may eventually come out looking washed out, grainy or sub-par. The best option is usually to outsource printing to a printing company. However, if you insist on printing it yourself, ensure you use a suitable printer that can bring out all the colours adequately.

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